We didn't think it could be done. In fact, no one did. However, in a recent Webinar, United Way 211 in Atlanta presented on this very topic - how, they deployed their service area, trained specialists and began responding to live text encounters in 48 hours! Individuals seeking live help can text their 5-digit zip code to 898211, a recognized brand among 211 service providers.
Key facts:
Soft launch with social media produced 200 unique encounters
Full launch put call to action "text your zip code to 898211" on home page and the volume more than tripled, from 200 to almost 700 unique conversations.
Specialists like text over all other mediums, phone, chat, email
Calling, emails, and chats keep going down while texting keeps going up.
During the Webinar Marioly Botero, Data Base Manager, discusses each step from training to launch and awareness and what they learned during the process. You can click the following link to stream the video on Youtube!
“The system is VERY easy to use. That’s why we were able to launch so quickly!””
“We also do chat and the specialists like the texting platform a lot better!”
Feedback from happy clients is always a good morale boost, but also indicative of the need for the medium. People want to text you! With PreventionPays Text, they can!
"This is so much better than being on hold.......great service"
"Thank you for all of your help. I think this is a great thing which is providing help for people in need. Thank you again!"
"Love this option (text). Thanks"
"Very prompt and great service...would highly recommend!!!!"