Nursing Program Launches Two-Way Texting for Patients

San Luis Obispo County Public Health launches two-way text to increase patient engagement and augment their individualized patient care model. We are very pleased they chose PreventionPays Text as their platform.


Nurses will use two-way text dialogue to answer questions about their personal health choices, medications, and preventative strategies. The focus will be on "keeping it light and to the point," reported the director of the program. If the conversation escalates to something more substantial, then they will try to get them an appt or call them on the phone. 

With texting, engagement is phenomenal with 98% of all texts opened within the first 5 minutes.

Unhealthy behavior such as smoking, overeating and non-adherence to medications drives outcomes in many cases -- which makes patient engagement a key part of population health management. Recognizing this, healthcare organizations are trying to engage patients on numerous levels by using technologies that range from patient portals and secure e-mail to automated phone messaging and texting.

It's no surprise that texting has become the communication mode of choice for a big slice of the population with the explosive growth of mobile devices. In fact, Americans under 55 text far more often than they call on their cell phones; those under 30 text more often than they e-mail other people. Younger people are often the patients who are the hardest for physicians and hospitals to reach.

Text Feedback from WIC Moms Is Heartwarming!

WIC Peer Counselors get the most amazing texts from moms participating in the WIC Texting Program!  Here are some anonymous texts from moms receiving breastfeeding and nutrition education each week as they get closer to delivery.  Enjoy!

YA!  Good news! LUV the texts!

 Thank you:) I'm so glad ur my peer support!

Thanks for the text! I'm just getting really anxious for my baby to get here!!!

I'm doing good. Getting bigger and bigger lol. But feel good overall :) just tired mostly

Great to hear that, I really appreciate your help! Cause I know some women who are not able to breastfeed, I just hope I am not one of them!

Oh, Okay Thanks.  That’s really helpful.

Yea I have a lot in the freezer for her and she is eating solids now so shes not having many bottles.

I just got your message on my phone sorry I haven't called bck yet . The baby and I are doing great thank you for checking up on us :)

It's going great, no complaints. Feeling bigger but getting closer is about it :)

Thank U!!

Awesome, Thank u again :)

My only concern is that i am trying to find a good peditrian for the baby since the one that one that my daughter goes to are ful

Lol I just had my baby last Saturday and I that was one of the questions I just asked the pediatrician.

Okay thank you very much for ur support!

Lovin’ the msgs! 

Really? so milk can come out of my breasts already? Wow! TY so much for the info!

Ok thank you sooo much. You have a great day too !!

Love the little facts. Thank you!

Going good so far. i had my 3D ultrasound yesterday! It was so cool!

Thank you very much!!! I appreciate it very much!!! When will I be meeting with you will it be closer to my due date?

Hi, I was wondering if over the counter Claritin 24 hour pill was ok to take while breastfeeding.

And in Spanigh too!

OK!  Mil Gracias!

gracias =) si m llegaron los textos

gracias =)

Estoy bien gracias!

Cuanto tiempo es recomendable darle leche maternal

Gracias es muy buena info. Especialmente porque boy a ser mama por primera ves.


Si le estoy dando pecho a mi bebe, por ahora todo vien – gracias

Ho esta bien gracias y que Dios la bendiga

Gracias, pues bien gracias a Dios que si agarra pecho

Gracias por todos mensajes -- solo estoy un poco nerviosa porq es m 1 bb

Recibi tus mensajes gracias!!

Estoy bien gracias y ya termine de atender a mi bebe

Muchas Gracias por los mensajes!

Ok..Que Tengas Un Bonito Dia,Y Un Feliz Fin De Semana,Hasta Luego..Cuidate Bye..

Gracias por hacermelo saber pero ahora no tengo preguntas ya cuando lo tenga le dire gracias

Bien pues ya Tengo siete meses me siento un poco mas cansada. Lo unico que me preocupa es que mi azucar esta altar, pero ya Tengo una Cita

Affordable Care Act Needs Millenials To "Opt In"

ACA Text Navigator:  Awareness, Outreach, Enrollment

Sample outreach uses automated triage (zip code) to route individuals to their closest "Navigator".

Helping 2-1-1 Contact Centers Engage, Educate and Enroll Millennials Using the Communication channel they know and use every day - SMS.

Idaho 2-1-1 Careline and Idaho Dept of Health and Welfare Secures 3-Year Contract

PreventionPays text and the 898211 suite of services will now be available to all Idaho residents. Idaho Careline acquired funding through Idaho Department of Health and Welfare for three years of sms services via the PreventionPays 898211 platform.  

Idaho joins several other states on the platform.  898211 is quickly becoming a recognizable brand related to getting help through 211.  When residents from Idaho text their 5 digit zip code to 898211, they will be routed to a resource specialist for live 2-way sms support at Idaho Careline.  If you text 898211 and you are outside one of the service areas now covered by 898211 and you wish to have this service in your community, you should contact your 211 office and request it.

898211 I&R has been a very popular method for contacting 211. But I&R is not the only service 898211 is becoming known for.  Over the past year, 898211 has been used for outgoing alerts to help homeless families find shelters during the recent cold weather that spread across the county, alerts to promote family nutrition, alerts for health services/resources related to the ACA, alerts to help build awareness about the risks of binge drinking on college campuses, tailored educational texts to promote breastfeeding among low income moms and so, so much more. 

We are delighted Idaho Careline selected PreventionPays text for their sms communication needs!


898211 is a fully provisioned Tier 1 short code with all mobile carriers in North America. 898211 or TXT211 is specifically designed for I&R services and health & safety alerts to communities. 898211 is the only short code in the US provisioned for texting specific to 211 services.

Text hotline in Minnesota is About to Go Viral

“This is really good news for the state,” commented David Lee, who testified before the Senate Finance Committee on behalf of the bill.

Lee said thanks to the newly approved state funding, the program will now be expanded to reach students in high schools, colleges and universities throughout Minnesota by adding regional coordinators, trained text responders and additional support staff. He added the National Guard is also interested in possibly making the program available to its military and civilian population, particularly in the 18- to 24-year-old age bracket, since suicide is a problem in their ranks as well.

“Right now, we are still in the midst of talks with them,” said Lee, but he said the relationship would be a logical extension of the up-and-coming program.

Lee said the rapid success of the TXT4Life program in Minnesota is already the envy of other states that have spent several years trying to get similar programs established. He said he owes the success of the recent state legislation to the outstanding coalition supporting it, including the Minnesota School Counselors Association, mental health centers throughout the state, faith communities, non-profit organizations and the state-wide tribal association. He said State Senator Tony Lourey helped co-author the bill and added that District 11A Representative Mike Sundin was instrumental in securing bipartisan support for it.

“This is one of the biggest expansions of suicide prevention funding anywhere,” he commented.  Essentially, the program picks up where suicide crisis phone lines leave off — meeting young people right where they’re at when it comes to today’s electronic communication. The reasoning is simple — teens who would never consider calling the existing suicide crisis line to speak to someone in person are far more likely to seek help via the comparative ease and anonymity of text messaging. When they text in, they are linked to a trained support person who helps talk them through that critical 10-minute window considered to be vital in saving lives and providing needed support.

The TXT4Life program was initially spearheaded by Carlton County Health and Human Services and piloted in the seven-county area of northeastern Minnesota. It was funded through a $1.4 million federal grant secured in August 2011. Since that time, Lee said it has been expanding rapidly. He reported that an average of the some 300-350 texts a month have been received from teens either considering suicide or having a hard time dealing with other relationship or family issues. Over 800 referrals have been made for mental health or non-mental health services over the course of the past year through the TXT4Life program, and that number is growing.

Although the initial emphasis of the program has been focused in northeast Minnesota, Lee said word of it has spread through social media and the line has received texts from youth and young adults in 48 of Minnesota’s 87 counties.

Commissioners congratulated Lee on the success of the statewide initiative and thanked him for the role he played in it, along with that of Representative Sundin, who was also in attendance at Tuesday’s meeting.

Check them out here: