You asked for it. Well now you've got it. For clients needing a completely anonymous service, you can now mask client phone numbers and also remove the ability to view the sms tab at the staff level. How do you implement? If you're already a client, just give us a call and we will change your queue settings to "masking" status. All numbers will be masked unless you elect to turn it off. Additionally, you can assign/un-assign the sms tab. The sms tab is the last place where client data for clients that are "opted out" is viewable. For this level of change, we recommend contacting us first before implementing. We will help make sure the service is customized to suit the specific needs of your agency!
For agencies looking to implement an anonymous text helpline, contact us for details today! We'll schedule a 30-minute demo so you can see how the service can be made completely anonymous.
For some agencies, sanitized data is not enough. We now offer identity masking.