All services are supported by Tier 1 short codes and our unique, fully-integrated message tracking system. Receive alerts every time your message is delivered or, if it's unable to be delivered, we provide you with an error code so that your team has complete confidence that every message is being accounted for and stored on dedicated, co-located servers. We know where our cloud is because we own it.
Helpline Services
Enterprise short code text platform supports secure, conversational texting for helplines, crisis centers, hotlines, contact centers, live support.
“We were able to train our counselors on the new service without any issues thanks to your awesome system.”
Research shows texting makes asking for help easier.
2-1-1 Information and Referral & Alerts, WIC Agencies, Health Departments, Universities
Secure two-way conversational texting
Health and Safety Alerts, Text Education, Surveys, Automated Appointment Reminders, and Regional (zip code sensitive) Deployment of Disaster-Related Information In Seconds
PreventionPays Platform maximizes I&R staff efficiencies while opening the door to a new generation of help-seekers
Dedicated Short Code Provisioning and Management Services
We will guide your team through the provisioning process without any of the hassles or roadblocks that often complicate the industry. EMS has tremendous relationships with all parties including CTIA and Neustar. EMS is the only agency with a proven track record provisioning short codes as non-profit services, including the National Text Line for Youth, "20121" for the North American Alliance of Child Helplines (members include Boys Town, California Youth Crisis Line, Covenant House, and 2nd Floor).
Need to customize? Call us! OR text MYTEXT to 898211
Evidence-Based "Narrowcast" Awareness Tools and Strategies
Narrowcast programs that display print materials and disseminate take-home cards have become useful mechanisms for bridge-building among community services and the priority populations they serve. Studies on school-based awareness projects [developed by EMS] were found to be effective at increasing help-seeking and improving access to community resources with students at risk for chemical dependency, unintended pregnancy, depression, date violence/assault, self-harm and many others.